Harm Reduction Therapy

Addiction is an ongoing struggle.

How is your relationship to substances? Have you tried abstinence and found that it’s just not the right thing for you? Or, maybe it’s not suitable for you right now.

There’s a lot of stigma in our society around substances, especially for people who consume substances regularly.

Struggling with an addiction is sometimes out of your control. You may want total abstinence, but your brain says something different.

Maybe it’s time to try an alternative approach, one that doesn’t start with total abstinence but reduces the harm to your mind and body.

Harm Reduction is a different type of intervention.

“Harm reduction is a set of practical strategies and ideas to reduce negative consequences associated with drug use. Harm reduction is also a movement for social justice built on a belief in, and respect for, the rights of people who use drugs (National Harm Reduction Coalition).”

With Harm Reduction Therapy, those who use alcohol and drugs can make healthy decisions about their lives.

Harm Reduction helps you identify effective techniques to identify and navigate through the feelings associated with drug and alcohol use through a more compassionate lens.

The goal is to improve your health.

I want to meet you where you are in your recovery and teach you a new method in building a healthier and safer relationship between yourself and substances.

We work to help you experience a positive change that reduces the impact of substances. You will not experience judgment or discrimination from me. I am here to see you experience success as you reduce your substance abuse.

I offer dynamic and effective Harm Reduction Therapy for both individual and couples counseling.

Let’s work together to reduce your struggles with substance abuse. Your safety and health are my priorities.

Contact me today!